Digulis monument is a one of monument in pontianak in addition to the khatulistiwa monument , digulis monument located in Tanjungpura University's Circle , the shape of digulis monument is very interesting with bamboo runcing ' s symbol and painted with yellow and green

Gojek is a simple job they only do the job as a freelance and they can manage their time , in pontianak gojek is a famous online transportation because they are the first in pontianak before grab and uber, and many people wanna get a job from here because of their work system

Opening Ceremony of PKKMB 2017 Tanjungpura University was amazing by skydiving attraction that can be cheer up the new student to be dilligent in their study at Tanjungpura University, most of the skydiver is a boy but some of them is a girl i cant imagine that how dare they are, as we know most of girl didnt like exstrem sport ,only the sixpack ( i think :D) girl wanna do skydiving.
   September 2nd 2017 , K.H.Abdul somad,Lc.MA was given some knowledge to tanjungpura university's student at auditorium untan  , a lot of student appriciated it because he is one of the funniest ustadz whom we know with his unique characteristic , especially for the student they were a task from pak riadi to come and make a review from his speech  to complete our SKS if they did not come they will not get a scores.
              His speech made most of pontianak people came to the event at auditorium tanjungpura university ,  he was explained that we could be together if we were back to our holy Al - qur'an enthusiasm of the people is very good they were from any district in west kalimantan .